The board of the Northern Ireland Housing Executive has appointed Mags Lightbody as its interim chief executive.
She will take up the post in a fortnight, after the retirement of Dr John McPeake. Mr McPeake has worked in housing in Northern Ireland for more than 30 years and will retire at the end of the financial year on 31 March.
Ms Lightbody was appointed director of transformation within NIHE in November 2013.
Donald Hoodless, chair of NIHE said: ‘We are working to appoint a new chief executive as soon as possible. In the interim, Mag Lightbody’s wide-ranging experience in senior posts in the public, private and housing association sectors and of leading major successful transformational change will greatly benefit the organisation in this coming period.’
Prior to her appointment at NIHE, Ms Lightbody was the director of business development and growth at Glasgow Housing Association.
Inside Housing reported in September that Dr McPeake was planning to retire and that the NIHE was potentially offering a ‘significant’ pay hike for the role.