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Nearly all Scottish housing associations provide financial or welfare support to tenants

The vast majority of Scottish housing associations give financial support to tenants, a survey by the Scottish Federation of Housing Associations (SFHA) has found.

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Cromdale Square Glasgow is owned managed by Linthouse Housing Association
Cromdale Square Glasgow is owned managed by Linthouse Housing Association

The vast majority of Scottish housing associations give financial support to tenants, a survey by the Scottish Federation of Housing Associations has found #UKhousing

The survey of 45 landlords, representing at least 84,743 tenants, showed that 95.5% of members provide financial or welfare support to their community.

The survey also revealed that 58% provide access to food banks, 58% facilitate clubs and other activities, 62% offer mental health support and 58% provide help with employability.

The details come as the SFHA’s annual conference begins in Glasgow today, where it is launching its Housing at Scotland’s Heart campaign.


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The campaign aims to highlight the positive role housing associations play and the variety of support they offer, from accessing social security to food and fuel.

Aidan McGuinness, director of housing and customer services at Elderpark Housing, said: “A lot of housing associations now have welfare services rather than previously relying on external agencies, so this data is not a surprise to me.

“Our objective and vision is to create a vibrant community where everyone can prosper – and that’s about more than housing, it’s about community. We are always working to improve and need to provide more.”

The survey also revealed the support housing associations said they need from the Scottish government, including help building more homes, meeting energy efficiency targets, and funding for improving existing homes.

Sally Thomas, chief executive of the SFHA, said: “Our housing associations are truly at the heart of Scotland, working with tenants, councils, charities, government and many others to create thriving communities which help people live well and fulfil their potential.

“In the last few years, they have shown unwavering resilience, strength and commitment in the face of continual challenges. Throughout it all, supporting their tenants has been their core focus and purpose.

“Home is the basis for everything else, from our health, our job opportunities, and the childhoods we all deserve. Continuing to make sure people have a safe, warm and affordable home is one of the biggest differences we can make to lives. That’s why housing is at the heart of Scotland.”

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