The Housing Ombudsman has ordered a large association to pay £10,800 in compensation to residents after it made four findings of severe maladministration across three cases.
The cases involved Clarion failing to fix leaks, blaming a tenant’s lifestyle for the state of the property, and failures to address the root cause of damp and mould.
In one case, the ombudsman found severe maladministration after the 125,000-home landlord failed to fix leaks reported by a tenant for five years, “causing her a high level of distress and inconvenience”.
The watchdog concluded that the housing association did not appear to handle her repair consistently or the same way it did other leaks in the same block.
It said this was “not appropriate” and “calls into question the landlord’s ability to identify core issues being raised”.
The ombudsman said Clarion’s offer of compensation was “insufficient” and a further year passed after this before the leak was finally resolved, “compounding the failings”.
The watchdog ordered the landlord to pay the resident £4,400 in compensation and have a director apologise to her.
It also ordered Clarion to review how oversight and engagement with third parties could be improved to avoid the inconsistencies in responding to different residents.
In another case, the watchdog found two counts of severe maladministration for how the landlord responded to a damp and mould complaint, as well as the associated complaint-handling.
It said Clarion failed to act quickly to a resident’s complaints of damp and mould in two bedrooms, while she experienced “significant” difficulty in getting it to acknowledge concerns about the fabric of the building.
The ombudsman said Clarion’s responses often “lacked empathy and put the onus on changing her lifestyle”.
The resident contacted her MP for help as Clarion’s communication continued to be poor, and she described feeling suicidal.
The ombudsman ordered for a senior member of the Clarion’s management team to apologise in person, £5,000 to be paid in compensation, and an investigation and response to the resident’s reports of discrimination and racial bias.
In another case, the watchdog found severe maladministration after Clarion failed to take all the steps it should have to investigate and resolve the damp and mould issues, causing a resident and her family “significant distress”.
The resident said as a result of the disrepair, she has been unable to use a bedroom and has provided medical evidence referring to her housing situation possibly exacerbating her children’s medical conditions.
Although Clarion made some attempts to resolve the issue, “the fact it remained ongoing for so long meant there was an obvious need to do more”, the watchdog said.
It ordered the landlord to appoint an independent external damp and mould specialist to undertake a thorough and rigorous assessment of the property, including the exterior walls and ventilation, as well as pay £1,200 in compensation and assign someone in the organisation to be her single point of contact for all communications.
Richard Blakeway, the housing ombudsman, said: “In these cases, residents had to go to extraordinary lengths for the landlord to take action, which should not have been necessary.
“There is also evidence of the landlord failing to join the dots or having similar points of failure, especially in the cases where there were multiple related complaints from the same block.
“Running throughout these cases is evidence of delay, poor communication and ineffective action.
“There were multiple instances in these cases where it would not have been too late to rectify the situation for the resident and repair the relationship between them and the landlord. However, these opportunities were also missed.
“Complaints about leaks, damp and mould have increased significantly in the past year and these cases show where landlords can make decisive changes to improve its service for residents.
“With the wet weather and storms impacting homes over the festive period, we are urging landlords to take any reports of leaks and damp seriously, take responsive action and ensure residents feel they are being treated with respect and empathy.”
Clarion’s full statement in response to the findings is included below.
A Clarion spokesperson told Inside Housing: “We sincerely apologise for the failings in our service in these cases.
“All three cases predate the new leaks, condensation, damp and mould action plan we launched in December 2022.
“Our new approach has seen every member of staff undertake damp and mould training, we have new processes in place to check for and record any health issues or vulnerabilities and our teams now have new technology that can be used to detect damp and mould, taking a ‘property first’ approach to help us diagnose the root cause.
“We have also hired 100 additional staff to help tackle the issue.”
“We apologise sincerely to the residents in all three of these cases for the shortcomings in the service we have provided to them.
“We have complied with the ombudsman’s orders in each case and we have gone to lengths to consider what we can learn from these cases to continuously improve.
“In the damp and mould cases, while we took steps to address the issue, there were delays and we were not always consistent in keeping the residents updated.
“Ultimately, it took too long to resolve the problem and we understand the impact this will have had on the households.
“We acknowledge that it is not acceptable to blame lifestyle – that is, normal household activities – as the cause of damp and mould, and we are committed to taking responsibility and doing all we can to support our residents to manage the issue while we identify and fix the root cause.
“These cases predate the acceleration of our damp and mould strategy.
“Our new approach has seen every member of staff undertake damp and mould training, so that reports are dealt with promptly and sensitively.
“We have new processes in place to check for and record any health issues or vulnerabilities at first triage, and we revisit this throughout the duration of the case.
“Our teams now have new technology that can be used to detect damp and mould and we take a ‘property first’ approach to help us diagnose the root cause.
“We have also hired a number of new specialist technical surveyors and resident liaison officers – who act as a single point of contact for residents in complex cases – as part of our recruitment of 100 additional staff to help tackle leaks, condensation, damp and mould.
“We expect to see the impact of these changes in cases that have arisen since December 2022.
“In the case of the shared owner, we acknowledge there was confusion around responsibilities meaning the customer was left for a sustained period without a resolution, which is not acceptable.
“Since this case, we have made a number of changes to how we work which has improved oversight and engagement with third parties.
“Our service level agreements now ensure that customers can be attended to within the shortest possible timeframe and allow for us to step in quickly, following any failure to respond by a contractor or developer, rectify the issue ourselves and levy costs against the party responsible.
“Our defects management procedures have evolved to ensure that the defects management team are following the trail of the communication from the customer, through to the party responsible for resolving the defect, and supporting the customer in this way.”
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