A2Dominion has appointed experienced industry figure Jude Cross as its director of specialist housing.
The association, which manages more than 38,000 homes across London and the South of England, said that the former Peabody executive would help “shape our direction” in her new role.
Ms Cross joins directly from fellow G15 member Metropolitan Thames Valley, where she was head of care and support.
She was previously head of homelessness and transitional services at Peabody, rough sleeping strategic lead at Cornwall Housing and regional operations director at P3.
At A2Dominion, Ms Cross will be charged with developing and delivering the strategic management of 15,000 homes for key workers, students, retirees and those in temporary and supported accommodation.
She joins at a period of change for the landlord after it announced in December that it would move away from providing care services to focus solely on housing “amid the growing challenges faced by the wider care sector”.
This was followed by the English regulator downgrading the G15 member to a non-compliant grade for governance at the beginning of this year.
The landlord was handed a G3 governance grade, downgraded from G1, after an investigation that was announced in September 2023.
During the investigation in November, A2Dominion revealed that it was shaking up its executive team in a bid to improve its service to residents and tackle its financial challenges.
Kate Gascoigne, chief customer officer at the association, said she was “thrilled” with the new appointment.
“Jude joins us as the business continues to undergo change and will help us to shape our direction going forward to ensure we’re providing high-quality homes and services to our customers,” she said. “She brings a wealth of experience of the housing sector and the leadership skills required to thrive in this position.”
Ms Cross said: “I’m delighted to take on this role at what is an exciting time for A2Dominion as it takes forward actions to deliver on its new strategy and plan.
“I look forward to engaging with customers, colleagues and key local partners to listen, learn and act; supporting continuous quality improvement and better outcomes for all.”
Ms Cross succeeds Jo Evans, who was appointed director of repairs and maintenance at A2Dominion in January.
In the same month, A2Dominion completed a 458-home stock transfer with a billionaire-owned social landlord.
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