A west London housing association has been placed under review by the English regulator on governance grounds.
In a regulatory notice published today, the Regulator of Social Housing (RSH) announced that it is investigating Shepherds Bush Housing Group (SBHG) on matters that may affect its compliance.
The regulator is specifically looking at the governance element of the Governance and Financial Viability Standard, it said.
Landlords being investigated for an issue related to their compliance are added to the regulator’s gradings under review list until the investigation is completed and a new narrative regulatory judgement is published.
The 5,000-home landlord, which was found to have breached the Home Standard last year over electric and asbestos safety issues, currently has a grade of G2/V2.
Matt Campion, chief executive of SBHG, said: “While we are disappointed to have been placed on the gradings under review list, myself, the executive team and the board are committed to improving our corporate governance at Shepherds Bush Housing Group.
“We are currently rated as G2/V2 and we are determined to maintain our current gradings.
“We understand the regulator’s reservations around our governance and we will be working closely with them in the coming weeks and will be doing everything we can to satisfy their concerns.”
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