Social landlords are facing “huge problems” finding replacements for faulty fire doors, the National Housing Federation (NHF) has warned.
The NHF has told Inside Housing that social landlords are struggling to get hold of new doors in the wake of Grenfell and are uncertain about how serious a risk models that have failed safety tests pose.
Doors from five different major suppliers have previously been identified in government tests as failing to meet safety standards.
Lucy Grove, Grenfell programme lead at the NHF, told Inside Housing: “Where members use these makes, they are working to change doors. However, many housing associations are facing huge problems finding replacements. There’s a massive supply chain issue.”
Housing secretary James Brokenshire has said there is evidence of “a broader issue across the fire door market” and some manufacturers have withdrawn their products from sale.
However Ms Grove added: “The government needs to provide clarity on how widespread the problem is across the fire door market, information about how the doors failed, and how the issue will be resolved. Housing associations need this to be able to put the right safety measures in place.”
The problems were first uncovered in March after the Metropolitan Police checked a door taken from the husk of Grenfell Tower and found it only resisted smoke and flames for 15 minutes – half the time required by building regulations.
Non-compliant fire doors should be replaced, with fire risk assessments used to determine the urgency of the work, the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG) has said.
The government has not provided details of the failed tests, so it is not clear how far short they fall of the 30-minute resistance requirement.
A spokesperson for the MHCLG said: “Nothing is more important than making sure people are safe in their homes.
“We are working with the industry and local authorities to make sure products being used meet the appropriate standards.”
A government advice note published this week said “the systemic issues have so far been identified in the composite door industry only”, which the government says represents less than 5% of the fire door market.
In the days following the Grenfell Tower fire on 14 June 2017, Inside Housing launched the Never Again campaign to call for immediate action to implement the learning from the Lakanal House fire, and a commitment to act – without delay – on learning from the Grenfell Tower tragedy as it becomes available.
One year on, we have extended the campaign asks in the light of information that has emerged since.
Here are our updated asks: