Labour has launched its election manifesto, unveiling new housing policies including giving councils extra powers and duties to build 100,000 social rent homes a year.
Last night the party trailed a pledge to build at least 150,000 new social homes a year within five years with two-thirds of these delivered by local authorities, backed by £75bn in funding.
The manifesto describes how if Jeremy Corbyn is elected prime minister next month, a Labour government “will establish a new duty on councils to plan and build these homes in their area”.
And it would “review the case for reducing the amount of housing debt councils currently hold”, as well as giving town halls “powers and funding to buy back homes from private landlords”.
Other new promises include an extra £1bn a year for council homelessness services and a doubling of the commitment at the 2017 general election to provide 4,000 homes for people with a history of rough sleeping.
The party said it would also seek to introduce a “use it or lose it” land tax for developers of stalled housing schemes.
At a launch event in Birmingham this morning, Mr Corbyn claimed that it was a “manifesto of hope” with the potential to deliver “real change”.
The manifesto reaffirmed a promise to scrap Universal Credit, announced by Mr Corbyn last month.
It also repeated pledges such as ending the Right to Buy, banning leasehold ownership and making all new homes zero-carbon.
There is no mention of giving private tenants the right to buy their home – as was hinted at by shadow chancellor John McDonnell in September.
Nor is there any signal that Labour would seek to give councils the power to take direct control of housing associations, which was included in a motion passed unanimously by delegates at the party conference.
On fire safety, Labour stuck with its pledge to set up a £1bn fund for sprinklers and other safety measures in social housing high rises and suggested that “mandatory building standards and guidance” would be “inspected and enforced by fully trained fire and rescue service fire safety officers”.
The Conservatives are yet to publish their manifesto, but today unveiled a pledge to build “at least” a million new homes over the next five years – significantly less than the 300,000 annual target set under previous prime minister Theresa May and lower than current levels.
The Liberal Democrats’ manifesto promised to build at least 100,000 homes for social rent a year.