Labour shadow housing secretary John Healey has drawn up draft legislation to prevent landlords evicting tenants who fail to pay the rent after being out of work because of the coronavirus.
It would mean that non-payment of after contracting COVID-19 does not count as legal grounds for eviction.
The proposed legislation spans an initial period between 1 March 2020 to 1 September 2020, with an option to extend.
It would cover the more than 20 million people who rent their homes from private, council or housing association landlords, including three million households with children, Labour said.
Mr Healey said: “Our current threadbare legal safety net means renters are vulnerable to eviction if they get ill and fall behind on their rent. The fear of being evicted may also mean workers are reluctant stay off work and self-isolate.
“Our emergency legislation would protect renters from eviction and we urge the government to work with us to adopt it and implement it at the earliest opportunity.
“This is an essential first step in public reassurance, giving people confidence they can follow official health advice in responding to coronavirus without putting their home at risk.”
Labour noted that two-thirds of private renters and more than eight in 10 social renters have no savings, according to government data.
The Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government has been approached for comment.