Inside Housing’s Nick Duxbury and Dawn Foster won a collective four awards at the annual International Building Press National Journalism awards last night.
At the ceremony in London, Nick Duxbury won a trio of awards including the top prize – the IBP journalist of the year. He also won Sustainable Writer of the Year and Features Writer of the Year, with high praise going to his How to Spot Domestic Terrorists article. The judges said Nick was able to think ‘outside the box’ and write about something new with a construction connection.
Dawn Foster, deputy features editor, scooped the ‘New’ Journalist of the Year, making Inside Housing the magazine which picked up the most awards overall. The judges felt Dawn’s submission showed a ‘deftness of touch, allied to an imaginative approach, elegantly using both words and imagery to tell her stories.’
Dawn Foster
Jess McCabe, features editor, was highly commended for the Sustainable Writer of the Year award and Inside Housing was congratulated for supporting new journalists.
The IBP 2014 Awards were introduced by David Orr, chief executive of the National Housing Federation (NHF), who gave a passionate speech about making housing a key issuer for voters in the run up to the general election in 2015. He also referenced yesterday’s NHF research, which showed the extent of the housing crisis in London, with homes in a third of the capital’s boroughs ‘earning’ more than a solicitor last year.