The National Housing Federation (NHF) has set out a series of commitments housing associations have made to support residents throughout the coronavirus outbreak.
In a statement released today, the NHF has laid out three commitments which the sector will adhere to during the crisis. They are:
The commitments have so far been endorsed by the Greater Manchester Housing Providers, Homes for the North, Homes for the South West, housing associations in the Liverpool City Region, the West Midlands Housing Association Partnership, PlaceShapers, and the G15.
The coronavirus pandemic is set to have a huge impact on the housing sector as the crisis has caused the majority of construction sites to close and has led to an effective freeze on the housing market.
Housing associations have been taking steps to mitigate the impact of the crisis, including delaying capital expenditure plans and setting up teams to help tenants struggling to pay their rent.
Kate Henderson, chief executive of the NHF, said: “I am always proud to work in our sector, but I have never been prouder than over the past few weeks.
“We are all being tested in new and challenging ways, and it has been inspiring to see housing associations stepping up and doing huge amounts to support residents and staff.
“Today, housing associations across the country are coming together to let residents know they are ready to support them through this national crisis.
“Many have been working hard to ensure all rough sleepers are off the streets and housed in hostels, B&Bs or newly leased properties.
“Others are caring for people with coronavirus or deploying extra staff to provide one-to-one support to help residents who have lost work apply for benefits. I know others that are supporting local foodbanks to keep running and stocked.
“At the NHF, we continue to work closely with government to ensure the sector’s work as well as challenges are listened to and that timely, appropriate solutions are found.”