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Housing association to build social rent homes on land donated by Glastonbury founder

A housing association has begun work on the second phase of a social housing development on land gifted by the founder of the Glastonbury festival.

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Michael Eavis breaking ground on the next stage of the development (picture: Guinness)
Michael Eavis breaking ground on the next stage of the development (picture: Guinness)

The Guinness Partnership has been granted planning consent to build a further 20 social rent homes on land donated by Michael Eavis #UKhousing

The Guinness Partnership has been granted planning consent to build a further 20 social rent homes on land donated by Michael Eavis in Pilton, Somerset.

It follows the completion of a first phase of 19 social rent homes on the land at Margaret Bondfield Close in 2018.  

The homes, which are expected to be available for occupation in April 2023, include houses, bungalows and flats. They will be equipped with air-source heat pumps, and local natural stone will be used to clad the buildings.

Mr Eavis, who has also contributed £275,000 to the scheme, donated the land on the condition that the homes will serve the local community in perpetuity.


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Guinness will also use funding it has received as part of its strategic partnership agreement with Homes England.

Mr Eavis said: “Pilton is really important to me. It’s where I was born, where I have lived man and boy, where I have brought up my family, and, of course, it has been home to the festival for more than 50 years now.

“With rural house prices so often out of reach for local people, this gives villagers, most of whom are working families who live around here, the opportunity to live here for the rest of their lives at a social rent.”

Craig MacDonald, head of new business at Guinness, said: “We are grateful to Mr Eavis for donating the land upon which these new homes are being built.

“This scheme is a great example of collaborative working, and we are delighted to be able to continue to provide much-needed affordable housing in this rural area.”  

Guinness is working with EG Carter, the contractor that has commenced works on the site.

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