London mayor Sadiq Khan has selected a housing association to build more than 900 homes on a former hospital site in Tottenham.
Catalyst Housing, which owns around 32,000 homes, has been announced as the Greater London Authority’s (GLA) development partner for the St Ann’s Hospital scheme.
The mayor purchased two-thirds of the site from Barnet, Enfield and Haringey Mental Health Trust in March 2018.
Of the 934 homes to be built through the redevelopment, 60% will be for affordable tenures.
That includes 50 homes set aside for community-led housing in what the GLA said will be one of the largest schemes of its kind in London.
City Hall will begin looking for a community organisation to take on the 50 homes in the new year.
Of the 510 remaining affordable homes, 60% will be for London Affordable Rent and 20% will be for the intermediate London Living Rent, with 20% for shared ownership.
Catalyst will offer Haringey Council the chance to buy half the homes built for London Affordable Rent – Mr Khan’s social rent-approximate product, which is slightly more expensive.
Barnet, Enfield and Haringey Mental Health Trust will be offered first pick on 22 of the London Living Rent homes for NHS staff for 10 years.
All flats will contain sprinklers.
The housing association will also triple the hospital’s peace garden in size, as well as building new playground space and retaining the site’s Victorian water tower.
Plans for the site are set to be developed further through community consultation work, while a St Ann’s Social Investment Fund will be established and overseen by residents.
Catalyst will introduce a deposit match scheme to help local people buy homes at the site, with all homes prioritised for nearby residents.
Mr Khan said: “I’m pleased to be partnering with Catalyst to develop this exciting project which will bring hundreds of genuinely affordable homes to this important site.
“My team and Catalyst are already working closely with the local community to ensure their needs are put at the heart of our plans for St Ann’s.”
The development is subject to government approval, with work on the first homes expected to start in 2022.
Philip Jenkins, group development director at Catalyst, said: “Placemaking is at the heart of what we do, and we’ll work closely with the community and key stakeholders to co-create and deliver a truly community-led redevelopment for local people, for our dedicated and highly valued key workers and for future generations.
“As well as over 900 high-quality new homes, we’re committed to incorporating the site’s heritage, creating community and green space, and providing an accessible, attractive and connected hub that reflects the diversity of the area.”
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