The chief executive of a housing association in the North of England has announced that he is stepping down after 27 years.
South Yorkshire Housing Association (SYHA) confirmed that Tony Stacey is retiring as chief executive of the landlord. The recruitment process for his replacement will start next month, while Mr Stacey said he can be flexible about the date of his retirement while the recruitment process is ongoing.
Mr Stacey has been a CEO for 36 years. Prior to SYHA, which owns and manages 6,000 homes in South Yorkshire, he was chief executive of Hexagon Housing Association in London.
He has also been active in the Homes for Cathy group, a national alliance of organisations working together to end homelessness.
Mr Stacey has also chaired PlaceShapers, which represents more than 100 housing associations across the country, for the past five years, overseeing the trebling of its size.
He was awarded an OBE for services to social housing in 2017.
Mr Stacey said: “I will be 67 next February – it really will be time for me to hang up my boots.
“It is a good time to pass on the baton as it’s our organisation’s 50th anniversary, and the exceptional quality of SYHA’s services have just been recognised by being awarded Landlord of the Year at the UK housing awards.”
Professor Ian Cole, chair of the board at SYHA, said that Mr Stacey “has been an absolutely outstanding and inspirational leader” for SYHA.
“He has a remarkable quality of remaining as fresh, optimistic and alive to new ideas now as he was on day one. He has immense influence in the sector, where his unwavering commitment to the social purpose of housing associations has shone through.
“It has been wonderful working with Tony as chair over the past five years and I have learned a huge amount from him,” he said.
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