The government has proposed scrapping its commitment to replace homes sold through the Right to Buy on a like-for-like basis and instead using a new measurement that would include those built by housing associations.
Alongside the much-anticipated Social Housing Green Paper, ministers today published a consultation on the use of receipts from Right to Buy sales.
In 2012, then-prime minister David Cameron reinvigorated the policy by increasing the discounts available to tenants wishing to buy their home.
At the time, the government pledged to replace homes sold as a result of the additional discounts on a one-for-one basis, but it began missing the commitment earlier this year.
More than 66,000 council homes have been sold under the Right to Buy since 2012, while just 17,911 replacements have been started or acquired.
The consultation document released today – and announced after the replacements officially slipped behind in March – says the target “focuses on the effects of one policy and does not take into account government’s other efforts to increase the net supply of social and affordable housing”.
It notes there has been a total net increase of 49,000 social and affordable rented homes since 2012, taking into account all sales and additions made by councils and housing associations.
Instead of “narrowly measuring” the effects of government policy against the Right to Buy, the document suggests dropping the current target and replacing it with a “broader measurement”.
That would include all homes sold or demolished by councils and housing associations, as well as all new units built or purchased, regardless of how they are funded.
The document also proposes allowing councils to spend Right to Buy receipts on homes for shared ownership.
Currently money raised through sales can only be spent on social or affordable rent homes.
And the government is considering allowing councils to keep receipts for longer than three years and to use them to cover a greater proportion of the cost of building new social rent homes in some areas.
Councils have long argued they should be permitted to retain 100% of the Right to Buy receipts, some which is currently sent back to the Treasury. Inside Housing revealed in May that less than half of the cash raised through Right to Buy receipts was going into replacement housing.
However, the government did not propose allowing councils to keep the full receipt in its consultation.
The consultation runs until 9 October.
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