A London council that is under fire for some of its housing conditions has appointed an ALMO chief executive as its new corporate director of housing.
Croydon Council, which has been in the media spotlight recently after ITV News discovered tenants living in squalid conditions in its housing estates, has brought in Susmita Sen.
Ms Sen joins after working in housing across several London boroughs, including Ealing, Hackney and Hillingdon. Prior to her new role, she was chief executive of Tower Hamlets Homes, the east London borough’s 22,000-home ALMO, for the past six years.
Last year, Croydon Council hit the headlines after an ITV investigation showed the living conditions of tenants in its Regina Road Estate in South Norwood, these included significant leaks, damp and mould issues, as well as concerns about resident safety.
The council was subsequently became only the second landlord to breach the Regulator of Social Housing’s tenant standard, with the regulator labelling the homes “uninhabitable and unsafe”.
Following on from this, the council vowed to make improvements to its housing services, such as a programme of improvement works” that would be overseen by a “housing improvement board”.
As part of her new corporate director of housing role, Ms Sen will lead on Croydon Council’s improvement plan and look to drive better performance in its housing allocations, repairs and development programmes. She will also be tasked with working closely with the council improvement board.
The local authority will also undergo a whole service review, which it wants to be informed by engagement with council tenants, leaseholders and freeholders.
Ms Sen said: “This is an exciting time to join Croydon and its new executive team as we work to right ongoing challenges and make a huge difference to local communities. I plan to listen closely to residents as we shape and strengthen the housing service to deliver on their behalf.
“No council service can be seen in isolation, and I look forward to working with Croydon’s diverse stakeholders and workforce to take forward the council’s overall renewal vision. I would like to take this opportunity to assure tenants, leaseholders and all residents of my firm commitment to working collaboratively to deliver much improved services.”
Hamida Ali, leader of Croydon Council, said: “Improving the condition of our housing and the service we deliver to our council residents is one of the council’s top priorities.
“Susmita’s significant experience and resident engagement background mean she will make a big impact leading the much-needed change our residents rightly need to see.”
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