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Council appoints new housing director ahead of ALMO closure

Lewisham Council has appointed a new executive director of housing ahead of the closure of its ALMO.

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Gillian Douglas will join Lewisham Council in September
Gillian Douglas will join Lewisham Council in September

Lewisham Council has appointed a new executive director of housing ahead of the closure of its ALMO #UKhousing

Gillian Douglas will take on the role in September – the month before Lewisham Homes transfers back under the direct control of the council. 

Lewisham Homes manages 20,000 homes on behalf of the council. 

The local authority’s mayor and cabinet voted in favour of bringing the ALMO, which has managed its stock since 2007, back under direct control in December

It followed a recommendation by council officers in June 2022 that the council should return to direct management amid upcoming legislative changes, increased costs and dwindling tenant satisfaction.


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Ms Douglas has worked as director of housing at Sandwell Council for two years. 

Prior to this, she was assistant director for housing and social care commissioning across Oxfordshire County Council and Cherwell District Council. 

She held various posts at Bristol City Council between 2001 and 2018, including head of housing options. 

Ms Douglas will support Jennifer Daothong, acting chief executive of Lewisham Council, to recruit to two other new posts that will report to her: director of housing – quality and investment, and director of housing – resident engagement and services.

Ms Douglas said: “I’m excited to be joining Lewisham at this important stage. 

“It’s a privilege to be able to shape this new directorate, and I’m looking forward to working with colleagues from Lewisham Homes and Lewisham Council to deliver the best services for residents.”

Ms Daothong said: “I’m really pleased to welcome Gillian to Lewisham. 

“She brings a wealth of experience that will be invaluable as we prepare to transfer housing management services into the council. 

“I’m looking forward to working with her to recruit some key posts in our new housing directorate to support our ambition to deliver great housing services for our residents.”

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