Oxford City Council has acquired 111 affordable homes from a major house builder on a scheme that will deliver 80% for social rent.
The local authority has struck the deal with Hill Group for the Canalside development in Oxford North.
Of the 111 homes, 89 will be made available for social rent and 22 on a shared ownership basis.
The homes designated for social rent will be open for bidding through the choice-based lettings scheme for individuals on the Oxford City Council housing register.
The new homes mark the first part of a 317-home scheme that Hill is delivering at Canalside, in an area that currently ranks among the most unaffordable places to live in the UK.
The council’s housing company, OX Place, is acting as development managers for the acquisition.
Work began on the new homes at the start of this year and the first homes due to complete in the spring of 2024.
Andy Hill, group chief executive officer of Hill, said: “Canalside at Oxford North represents a landmark residential development for the city, and we are delighted to agree on the delivery of the project’s affordable housing to Oxford City Council.
“This agreement ensures local people will have access to sustainable, well-designed homes on an affordable basis, built to the high standards for which the Hill Group is renowned.”
The scheme will boast a range of low-carbon features such as air-source heat pumps, alongside water consumption reduction measures and electric car charging points.
The homes will also be designed around a large landscaped communal park with play areas and include pedestrian and cycle paths.
The construction will provide economic benefits through engagement with educational institutions, youth and apprenticeships, and disadvantaged communities.
Linda Smith, cabinet member for housing at Oxford City Council, said: “Providing sustainable and affordable homes is one of our key priorities as a council. This agreement is a major boost, enabling us to provide 89 homes at genuinely affordable social rent and helping another 22 households into homeownership.”
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