The UK’s largest housing association, Clarion, has sold 154 homes in Stafford to a local housing association.
Stafford and Rural Homes (SARH), the largest social landlord in the area with more than 6,000 homes in the town of Stafford and the surrounding area, bought the homes for an undisclosed fee.
It made the purchase after what it called “a thorough bidding process” for the homes, which were a mix of two, three and four-bed houses, two-bed bungalows and one and two-bed flats. As part of the deal, SARH also bought a community hub for local residents.
Clarion said in 2017 that it would sell 10,000 homes as part of a stock rationalisation programme scheduled to take 10 years, aimed at shrinking the association’s geographical footprint.
Michelle Reynolds, chief operating officer at Clarion, said: “As part of a review of our homes and communities, Stafford was identified as an area where customers should have the opportunity to move to a housing association that has a larger presence locally.
“In partnership with current residents, I am pleased that SARH has been chosen to continue to deliver the good service levels currently enjoyed by our customers. SARH is focused on the Stafford and surrounding area and holds the highest ratings from the Regulator of Social Housing.”
SARH was set up in 2006 to manage the stock being transferred from Stafford Borough Council. It also owns a maintenance business called Housing Worx.
Karen Armitage, chief executive of SARH, said: “The successful bid to acquire these homes reflects a huge vote of confidence in the quality of services SARH delivers and recognition that we actively listen to our customers and prioritise their needs.
“The bidding process was very competitive, but we’re delighted that Clarion’s customers in Stafford expressed their preference for a landlord with a proven track record of delivering quality, affordable housing and putting the well-being of the communities it serves at the heart of its operations.”