The chief executive who oversaw changes at Rochdale Boroughwide Housing (RBH) has been appointed boss of a non-compliant London landlord.
Eastend Homes has appointed Yvonne Arrowsmith in the interim role. She takes over from John Henderson, who stepped down in October having served in the role for over four decades.
Last year, the Regulator of Social Housing downgraded the housing association from a top governance grade to non-compliant after finding it did “not have adequate governance, risk management or control frameworks in place”.
The landlord, which owns more than 3,700 properties across five estates in Tower Hamlets, retained a V2 grade for financial viability.
Ms Arrowsmith, who has worked in the sector for over 30 years, is known for taking over landlords to oversee improvements.
She took over as interim chief executive of RBH following the inquest into the death of Awaab Ishak.
The coroner concluded that the two-year-old boy died as a direct result of prolonged exposure to mould in an RBH flat. The family had complained many times about the state of the property, but the landlord failed to help.
Ms Arrowsmith has worked at various housing associations, including nearly a decade at Family Mosaic, which merged with Peabody in 2017. Her last role there was group operations director up until 2014.
Between 2014 and 2018, she was chief executive of 15,000-home landlord East Thames, which became a subsidiary of L&Q during her time in charge.
She was interim chief executive at Saffron Housing Trust between June 2018 and May 2019.
Ms Arrowsmith said: “I am delighted to be starting at Eastend Homes, a truly community-based association.
“They have been on a journey to improve governance, and I am looking forward to continuing this journey. As a locally based association, Eastend Homes has the opportunity to provide excellent services to its customers and the local community, and I am keen we make the most of this opportunity.”
Jacqui Bateson, chair of Eastend Homes, said: “Along with an established record of success, Yvonne brings a breadth of CEO experience and specific knowledge of our east London communities.
“We’re delighted to have her expertise on board and look forward to working with Yvonne over the coming months to continue to strengthen our services and build on our regulatory grading.”
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