All of our Autumn Budget coverage in one place.
The Budget gives the housing sector a window of opportunity Former National Infrastructure Commission chief of staff Benjamin Clayton says the Budget is an opportunity for social landlords
The hole in the Autumn Budget Inside Housing’s deputy editor Martin Hilditch writes about what is missing from Philip Hammond’s announcements
£8bn guarantees fund could be used for affordable housing Inside Housing reveals more detail about a key fund announced in the Autumn Budget
The government’s real priorities are clear Our award-winning columnist Jules Birch gives his take on what the Autumn Budget means for housing
Morning Briefing: papers react to the Housing Budget A round-up of reaction to the housing measures in the Autumn Budget in the press and on social media
Budget measures criticised for lack of focus on affordability Social landlords say the Autumn Budget did not focus enough on improving affordability for residents
Sector welcomes Autumn Budget but warns it does not go far enough Sector bodies call for more action on land and planning
Delayed Right to Buy pilot for housing association tenants to go ahead A pilot of Right to Buy will go ahead in the Midlands from next July
No increase in housing supply estimates following Autumn Budget Spending watchdog the OBR has made no change to its future supply forecast despite Hammond’s announcements
Hammond’s speech: the housing bits in full Key extracts from the chancellor’s speech
OBR: stamp duty reforms will increase house prices Spending watchdog warns axing of stamp duty for first-time buyers will inflate the market
Government announces £28m funding for Housing First pilots Cash injection for schemes in three cities
Chancellor announces £1.5bn package of Universal Credit changes Hammond announces package of changes to welfare reform following widespread concern
Capital funding of £15.3bn ’to raise delivery to 300,000 homes a year’ Chancellor announces interventions in the housing market
At-a-glance: the key housing measures in the Autumn Budget A list of the key announcements
Government to lift HRA caps in high demand areas Borrowing restrictions on local authorities in some areas with high housing demand will be lifted
£28m announced for Grenfell relief but no new fire safety funding Hammond announces new funding for Grenfell mental health and counselling services
Housing Live: the Autumn Budget as it happened
Morning Briefing: Autumn Budget Day build-up A round-up of press coverage and social media comment ahead of the Budget
Reducing UC wait to 31 days ’would not be enough’ Social landlords warn a 31-day wait for Universal Credit payment is still too long
Associations pitch £100bn borrowing scheme to PM A group of providers present National Housing Fund idea to Theresa May
A look ahead to the Budget: a detailed three-part blog from our award-winning columnist Jules Birch