Sajid Javid has said private landlords should not pass the cost of removing cladding on tower blocks onto leaseholders.
At parliament’s Communities and Local Government Questions this afternoon, the communities secretary also announced an increase in funding for the Leasehold Advisory Service so that leaseholders “have more information” about their rights and the buildings in which they live.
Mr Javid did not reveal how much extra funding will be available. Inside Housing has asked the Department for Communities and Local Government to clarify.
In response to a question from Conservative MP Robert Courts about building owners with cladding “that may not meet building regulations seeking to pass the costs of essential work onto leaseholders” Mr Javid said he would like to see them “follow the lead of the social sector”.
He said: “When it comes to local authorities and housing associations they have made clear that they will not be passing on the costs and that is the right approach. For the private sector landlords I would like to see them follow the lead of the social sector and not pass on the costs to their tenants, but I also want to see leaseholders have more information and that’s why today I’m announcing an increase in funding for the leasehold advisory service.”
Inside Housing is aware of a number of councils that are either charging leaseholders for installing sprinklers or considering it. Inside Housing recently reported that Wandsworth Council is seeking to recover the £24m cost of installing sprinklers in its 100 tower blocks from leaseholders.