What has the media-shy minister Mark Prisk been up to in the year since he took up office and is he making his presence felt? Heather Spurr investigates
‘Sorry, he doesn’t know who Mark Prisk is.’ So says a director’s secretary at a medium-sized house builder when Inside Housing rings to ask his view of the housing minister.
This is an indicator, perhaps, of the low profile the 51-year-old former surveyor likes to keep. Since his appointment to the Communities and Local Government department almost 12 months ago, some would say the most noteworthy thing about Mr Prisk’s period in office has been its lack of noteworthiness.
Compared with his predecessor Grant Shapps - who stormed to prominence with his prolific radio and television interviews as well as his active social media presence - Mr Prisk has been the ‘invisible’ minister.
Many have talked about Mr Prisk’s effectiveness and ability to quietly get on with the job. But almost one year on, as we await a government reshuffle this autumn, there are whispers that he may not survive the axe.
So, where does the sector think Mr Prisk has had an impact over the past year and what does it make of his more muted style?
Mr Prisk has certainly made far fewer policy announcements than Mr Shapps. A quick count on the CLG website reveals he has made 81 announcements compared with 123 in Mr Shapps’ final year - a 34 per cent reduction in activity.
This is a welcome change, explains Catherine Hand, partner at law firm Trowers & Hamlins, who believes announcements can lead to stagnation as landlords struggle to understand new policies.
Lord Matthew Taylor, chair of the National Housing Federation, says: ‘I think that [the lack of announcements] has been a good thing after a pretty flamboyant and outspoken minister [Mr Shapps].’
Market stimulation
Certainly Mr Prisk was the man at the helm when the policy that has many house builders salivating - help to buy - was introduced (see box: Rate the minister).
Large house builders, including Persimmon, Bellway, Taylor Wimpey, Barratt and Galliford Try, praise the scheme - which allows people to purchase a new build home with a 5 per cent deposit - saying it is driving sales of new homes. Housing associations acting as help to buy agents report greater interest from buyers.
Steve Turner, spokesperson for the Home Builders Federation, says Mr Prisk has played a significant part in policies to assist house building. ‘Help to buy has been so successful, mortgage availability is no longer going to be an issue in the coming months,’ he says.
The scheme has, however, come in for criticism from those who believe it will create another house price bubble, and was described in June as ‘moronic’ by economist Albert Edwards. While help to buy has got people talking, however, did Mr Prisk really have much to do with it? Most people who spoke to Inside Housing say they saw it as much more of a Treasury, rather than CLG, inspired initiative.
As one house builder says: ‘I don’t get the impression that Mr Prisk had anything to do with it.’
When it comes to affordable house building, it is difficult to see how Mr Prisk could have made much of an impact - given that developing social landlords were part way through a contractual four-year development programme when he took over. The latest Homes and Communities Agency figures, published in June, show affordable housing starts more than doubled to 36,206 in 2012/13 compared with the previous year, while completions fell from 51,721 to 36,672 (though this latter figure will rise as the programme nears its 2015 deadline).
So when it comes to HCA-funded development, Mr Prisk’s role appears to be simply to guide existing policies. This applies to the majority of Mr Prisk’s portfolio, a source close to the CLG adds. ‘His wasn’t a policy-related appointment.’
While he might not be leading policy, a source close to the Home Builders Federation who did not wish to be named, clearly admires Mr Prisk’s low-key approach. ‘He’s a really, really nice guy, very good at listening and has experience in the industry from his previous profession. He was a surveyor so knows what he’s talking about and he seems happy to put his head down. I think he’s more personable on a smaller one-to-one basis than he maybe comes across [in public].’
Cash injection
Major achievements such as winning £3.3 billion in investment to build 165,000 new affordable homes over the 2015/18 spending review period have won Mr Prisk wider applause.
‘Mark and his department should take credit for that,’ says David Montague, chief executive of 66,000-home housing association L&Q.
Mr Montague also praises the certainty the CLG has provided on rental income with a rent increase formula of consumer price index plus 1 per cent each year, which he says will boost investor confidence.
But Tony Stacey, chair of the Placeshapers group of 100 housing associations, says Mr Prisk has not realised the combined impact a lower grant rate, welfare reforms and the scrapping of rent convergence could have on affordable house building. ‘[They] are making it very difficult for associations to mount big development programmes in the future,’ he warns.
While Mr Prisk, described by one housing sector figure as ‘a bit of a gent’, appears to be popular with many, the jury’s out as to whether he is truly committed to affordable housing as opposed to home-ownership.
Mr Montague says: ‘We haven’t yet seen government funding swing in favour of more affordable homes.’
Unassuming and media shy, the ‘invisible man’ Mr Prisk has quietly got on with the job - whether he will be there come autumn remains to be seen.
What: The Communities and Local Government department goes hipster, with Mr Prisk and his boss Eric Pickles announcing a ‘pop-up shop’ in Westminster
Score: 3/10
What: The International Monetary Fund issues a dark warning that help to buy could cause a house price bubble instead of improving access to housing
Score: 1/10
What: Mark Prisk launches hotline Streetlink enabling people to refer rough sleepers to local services
Score: 7/10
What: Help to buy, announced in the Budget, is welcomed by house builders but Mr Prisk is overshadowed by the Treasury, which leads the policy
Score: 6/10
What: £3.3 billion announced in the spending review to deliver thousands of new affordable homes. The sector is relieved by a deal that provides rental certainty for landlords
Score: 9/10