The Housing Podcast is a production of Inside Housing magazine, the UK’s leading publication for the social and affordable housing sector. Listen to find out more about the key issues in housing today, with input from the sector’s leading voices
The Housing Podcast: what is behind the rising number of disrepair claims being brought against social landlords?
Over the past year, the issue of disrepair in social housing properties has risen in prominence to become one of the country’s key social issues. This has been brought to light by a long-term ITV News investigation which has featured cases where residents have been living in appalling conditions.
These case studies have painted a picture where tenants have been ignored by their landlords for months, or sometimes years.
This has been matched by a huge uptake in disrepair claims facing social landlords. In this episode of The Housing Podcast, Inside Housing’s Jack Simpson and Grainne Cuffe ask: what is behind the rising number of disrepair claims being brought against social landlords?
They are joined by:
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