AT-A-GLANCE: The housing policies of the main parties in Northern Ireland
Build 8,000 social and affordable housing units by 2020
Create £1bn Northern Ireland Investment Fund to help finance projects such as social housing
Transform the Northern Ireland Housing Executive to a strategic housing body and transfer its stock
Give NIHE more powers to tackle empty homes
Sinn Fein
Build a minimum of 10,000 new social and affordable homes over the next five years
Develop and implement an anti-poverty strategy, based on objective need
Provide £500 million to help mitigate Tory welfare cuts
Build 3,000 social homes every year
Impose a statutory duty on social landlords to promote and develop ‘shared housing’ (mixed community social housing schemes)
Develop a new Green Investment Deal to retrofit housing
Introduce a new homelessness strategy, aimed at helping those who are homeless and protecting those at risk of homelessness
Build 10,000 new social and affordable homes by 2021
Support the transfer of properties from the NIHE to housing associations
Place duty to prevent homelessness on statutory services such as the NHS and prisons
Allow the Northern Ireland Housing Executive to borrow against its assets to access private finance