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Leanne Stephney, employment team manager, Viridian Housing
Viridian set up the employment team in 2014 to help residents find work. Since then it’s expanded to help those who want to learn new skills. The team can offer advice on how to write a CV. It also supports residents through training courses and volunteering placements. As team manager, I oversee that work and manage partnerships with colleges as well as employers.
The best things are the fresh challenges I face every day; there is always something new to learn and I enjoy finding solutions. But the very best thing is that we’re helping people. Sometimes, when we meet a resident for the first time, they’re at rock bottom. It’s so rewarding to help them see the light at the end of the tunnel.
People who have been through an awful lot in their life can be hard to engage with. They believe their problems are impossible to solve, and they often have no faith in themselves or anyone else. But they’ve taken that first step to seek help and so I work on that. It can take an awful lot of patience, and a thick skin.
When most people think of jobs in housing, they assume it’s just repairs, rent and customer services; I certainly thought that before I joined the industry. I’d get more people involved by highlighting the variety of jobs beyond these core services.
I love music. If I’ve had a stressful day or if I’ve heard a particularly distressing story from a resident, I go home, pick my favourite Beyoncé track and dance like no one is watching.
I’m torn between two: reading people’s minds would be useful in my job because I believe residents don’t always tell you everything you need to know straight away. I’m also obsessed with the Back to the Future films, so I’d love to have the ability to travel in time.
I would make childcare free for children up to the age of five. One of the biggest problems in getting people to return to work is the prohibitive cost of childcare. Many people find that after they’ve paid their rent and childcare, they’re broke.