Amy French, senior support worker at Peabody, discusses supported housing, her work-life balance and reducing crime
Tell us about your job.
I work in a supported housing scheme in Essex for people with learning disabilities, helping them to achieve their goals and to live as independently as possible. This support can be around helping them maintain their home, arranging appointments and repairs, and getting out and about in the area.
How did you get into housing?
After helping to care for my great nan and my grandad, I was inspired to look into a career helping other people. I studied health and social care at college, and after hearing a lot of positive things about Peabody I saw a job advertised and decided to apply. This was the best thing I had ever done as the customers really do have such a brilliant quality of life and we can really help them to achieve all their goals.
What is the best part of your job?
I really enjoy helping people to get the most out of their lives and making them as happy as possible. Going home and knowing you have made a difference is priceless.
What’s the worst part?
Sometimes it can be quite difficult to get a good work-life balance because your job revolves around people, not objects.
What would your superpower be?
To be a fly on a wall.
What would you change about the housing sector?
I think the sector would benefit from more funding. Supporting vulnerable people in safe, accessible and appropriate homes means they can live fulfilled lives – something everyone deserves. It could also help address the crisis of older people living in unsuitable rented accommodation, as well as help homeless people rebuild their lives.
If you could be prime minister for the day, what would you do?
I would want to look at reducing the crime levels to make communities a better place for people to live.
What’s the most private thing you’d be willing to admit to your colleagues?
When working in care and support there are strict guidelines around professional boundaries, so actually we have to keep our personal lives fairly private. I actually think this is a good thing as we are working directly in people’s homes and what we do is all about them, not us.
Do you know an outstanding housing professional who deserves to be featured in From the Frontline? Perhaps they are working in new ways or are dedicated, unsung heroes doing good work.
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