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Working as care and supported housing manager at Hightown has shown Gail Hatchett how important repairs can be
Tell us about your job.
I support the repairs team, providing advice if there are any complicated or major repairs, and dealing with correspondence and complaints. I also organise major repairs in our care and supported housing schemes. Many of our residents are vulnerable or disabled so it’s really important that we complete repairs quickly, considerately and with as little disruption as possible.
How did you get into housing?
I was looking for part-time work after having a baby and applied for a role as a maintenance assistant at Hightown 19 years ago. I later became the repairs team leader, before taking on my current role four years ago.
What is the best part of your job?
The variety – you never know what will happen on a day-to-day basis. My day doesn’t always go to plan and this certainly keeps me on my toes.
One of the reasons I’ve stayed at Hightown all these years is because of the number of care and supported housing schemes we have. I might only be one element of a bigger picture but I’m playing my part.
I feel like I’m doing something worthwhile and making a difference by ensuring our properties are not adding unnecessary complications to people’s lives. This can happen very quickly if they are not being maintained correctly.
What’s the worst part?
Working to what can sometimes be tight budgets – especially in care and supported housing.
What would your superpower be?
Teleportation – there’s so much of the world to see and not enough time to get there.
What would you change about the housing sector?
Other people’s perceptions. It always amazes me how many people you speak to who don’t understand the importance of social housing and the impact a lack of affordable housing can have on our society.
If you could be prime minister for the day, what would you do?
I would increase the salaries of nurses.
What’s the most private thing you’d be willing to admit to your colleagues?
I was pretty good at windsurfing in my time and loved strapping my board to the roof of my old VW Golf and heading off to the lakes for the day.
Do you know an outstanding housing professional who deserves to be featured in From the Frontline? Perhaps they are working in new ways or are dedicated, unsung heroes doing good work.
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