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From the frontline – area manager Kirstie Garlick

Kirstie Garlick, area manager at Anchor Hanover, talks about helping residents living with dementia, coping as a lone worker, and her love of the 1980s

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From the frontline – Kirstie Garlick, area manager @AnchorHanover ‏#ukhousing

“It’s an absolute privilege to work with people in the later part of their lives.” Kirstie Garlick, area manager at @AnchorHanover #ukhousing

What does your job involve?

I’m responsible for the overall housing management for a range of rented, mixed-tenure and extra care homes in Bath and North East Somerset, and the South Gloucestershire area. From estate risk assessments, to providing services for residents living with dementia, to working with local authorities, to dealing with an incident on an estate, my days are definitely hectic.

How did you get into housing?

I finished two years of my postgraduate diploma in counselling at the University of Bristol and within a month of qualifying I had my first baby. As I approached the end of my maternity leave, I didn’t want to leave my baby full-time but I also wanted to find a role that would be fulfilling and that would use my experience and skills. I was lucky enough to find all of this in my first role in housing as a part-time estate manager. I went on to have two more children while continuing my professional development through the organisation.

What is the best part of your job?

The people. I love being out and about on the estates and meeting residents. It’s an absolute privilege to work with people in the later part of their lives. I’ve heard some amazing stories.


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And the worst part?

When a resident dies. It is a very difficult time for everyone and this can be especially so for estate managers who have been supporting the individual and their family. Estate managers are often lone workers, which can make situations like this even more difficult.

What would be your superpower?

Time travel – it would be fantastic to travel back and forward to experience all the significant times.

What would you change about the housing sector?

Grenfell highlighted the change housing providers have to make to ensure that compliance and health and safety are a priority.

If you could be prime minister for the day, what would you do?

There are so many areas I’d like to focus on, but I’d start with affordable housing, education, the environment, health and the provision of care.

Tell us a secret…

I love the 1980s – my favourite song is by Wham, my go-to drink is Malibu and pineapple (which always makes people laugh when I order it), and I love cheese and pineapple on sticks (a tradition on the buffet table at any party in the ’80s) and black forest gateau.

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