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At-a-glance: the key housing measures in the Autumn Budget

A list of the key housing measures announced by Philip Hammond today

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At-a-glance: housing measures in the Autumn Budget #ukhousing

  • Investment of £44bn in housebuilding in capital funding, loans and guarantees over the next five years to boost supply of skills, resources and land
  • Commitment to be building 300,000 homes a year by mid-2020s
  • £1.5bn package of changes to Universal Credit announced. This includes the scrapping of the seven-day waiting period at the beginning of a claim, making a full month’s advance available within five days of a claim for those that need it and allowing claimants on housing benefit to continue claiming for two weeks
  • Lift council borrowing caps in "high-demand areas"
  • A £125m increase over two years in Targeted Affordability Funding for Local Housing Allowance claimants in the private sector struggling to pay their rent
  • New money into Home Builders Fund
  • Extra £2.7bn for Housing Infrastructure Fund
  • Invest £400m in estate regeneration
  • £1.1bn on unlocking strategic sites
  • Stamp duty for first time buyers on properties worth up to £300k will be axed, while the first £300k on properties worth up to £500k will also be scrapped
  • Three new Housing First pilots announced for West Midlands, Manchester and Liverpool
  • Councils to be given the power to charge 100% council tax premium on empty properties
  • Government will launch a consultation to barriers to longer tenancies in the private rented sector
  • £28m for Kensington & Chelsea Council for mental health and counselling services, regeneration projects in areas surrounding Grenfell Tower and a new community space
  • Invest in five new garden towns
  • £125m increase in Targeted Affordability Funding for Local Housing Allowance claimants in the private sector struggling to pay rent


Autumn Budget - full coverageAutumn Budget - full coverage
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