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Newham pushes on with estate regeneration despite resident protests

An east London borough is pushing ahead with a controversial estate regeneration project despite the opposition of a neighbourhood forum.

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Newham Council recently launched its search for a development partner to demolish the Carpenters Estate and build 3,000 homes in its place.

However, local residents group Greater Carpenters Neighbourhood Forum, which has called for the estate to be refurbished, rather than demolished, claims the council has “consistently failed” to engage with residents over the plans.

The forum also claims the council has used “exaggerated estimates” of refurbishment costs to justify the demolition.

The planned demolition has been met with strong opposition from residents and protestors occupied flats in the estate which resulted in a court battle.

Sadiq Khan recently published guidance on estate regeneration for London which said councils should only demolish estates if it does not lead to a loss of social housing “or where all other options have been exhausted”.

The forum claims there will be less social rented housing on the new development. A spokesperson for the council said there are currently 556 social rented homes on the estate and there would be “no net loss” of social rented homes on the new development.

The council approved a plan to push ahead with the demolition at a cabinet meeting in December.

It plans to build 3,000 homes on the estate, and “at least” 1,000 of these will be affordable. It has not stated whether these homes will be for affordable rent or social rent.

The council spokesperson said plans for the regeneration of Carpenters Estate have been under consideration since 2001 and “significant” public consultation has taken place.

The spokesperson added it is a “priority” to treat tenants and homeowners fairly and since starting the process of moving residents out it has rehoused 267 of them since 2005, with the majority rehoused within the area.

Janiz Murray, secretary of the forum and a tenant of the Carpenters Estate, said: “Newham Council has dismissed our calls to support our forum’s aspirations. Our forum is looking to achieve full refurbishment of homes along with sensitive infill development to support additional housing, employment, social infrastructure and enhanced green space and biodiversity.”

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