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Register now: Free virtual workshop on supporting those in fuel poverty

12.00 PM - 1.30 PM
Inside Housing virtual workshop

While energy prices and inflation more generally may have somewhat stabilised in the past year, fuel poverty remains a significant issue across the UK. It is often a particular concern for social housing residents, who often have lower than average household incomes.

The new government has promised a national warm homes plan alongside a new publicly-owned energy company, but the speed with which such plans can be implemented remains unclear.

So as another winter approaches, what support should social landlords be offering residents experiencing fuel poverty? What approaches have already proved successful? How are approaches evolving?

This Inside Housing virtual workshop, run in association with Aico as part of our Give Fuel Poverty a Voice campaign, is an opportunity to explore the answers to such questions. It brings together a range of people with expertise and interest in fuel poverty to discuss the issues involved.

Places are limited and will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis. To secure yours, sign up now.

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