How should housing providers approach harder-to-treat retrofit properties once the low-hanging fruit has been picked?
Homes are responsible for almost half the carbon emissions generated by the built environment – which is why decarbonising the UK’s housing stock will be crucial to hitting the government’s 2050 net-zero target. The challenges this presents, however, are significant. Around 30 million homes will need to be retrofitted over the next 25 years, according to the UK Green Building Council – that’s approximately two homes per minute. But not all homes are created equal. The UK has some of the oldest and least energy-efficient housing in Europe, and as social landlords work their way through their retrofit programmes – and as the more straightforward works are completed – the challenges involved are going to mount.
This webinar will focus on this transition. How should landlords approach these harder-to-treat properties? What challenges do they present, and how can the be overcome? What lessons can the sector learn from its completed retrofit works – and how much a difference can partnership working make here?