More than 160 social landlords use Mobysoft’s award-winning RentSense solution. RentSense is an arrears management tool, based on predictive analytics, that helps landlords intervene at the earliest stages of debt to support their tenants. A recent independent study found that RentSense helps reduce evictions by 8.9%, reduce average arrears and the number of tenants in debt by 8.17% and 11.5% respectively, all in the first two years of use.
RentSense helps landlords support their tenants at the right time. Its unique blend of technologies ensures landlords sustain more tenancies, deliver efficiencies, protect revenues, and on average deliver a return on investment within 4 months and 3 weeks.
Mobysoft is one of the fastest growing software as a service-providers in the UK and has been ranked in the "Top 50 fastest growing technology companies in the North” for the last five years.
"A really useful day, showed how getting involved in innovation could work for us and how it can be used in many areas and ways to drive value for any organisation"
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"This made 'digital' and 'technology' real for me, the focus on workforce and culture as well as simplicity helped remove some of the fear of innovation"
"I learnt so much from the day, making work fun and each speaker actually put a smile on my face every time. Real Pro's"