The leading one-day conference on Development and Regeneration for the social and affordable housing sector brought to you by the company behind Inside Housing and Social Housing
Prepare yourself for the general election by hearing expert commentators analyse the major party policies that will impact the supply of quality affordable homes
Explore new and innovative development funding models and understand how to attract investment by better leveraging social value
Get a head-start by hearing lessons learnt from successful bidders of the Levelling Up and Towns Funds so far – what went well and what were the sticking points?
Network with potential new partners from key stakeholders and learn from case studies of successful partnership models to inform your strategies
Learn about opportunities to align priorities such as retrofit-led regeneration which can catalyse wider improvements and maximise investments
Understand how to put codesign principles into practice to meaningfully empower communities during regeneration
Co-locating with the Social Housing Annual Conference also provides the option to:
Listen to leading political and economic commentators who can help you understand current and future market conditions and how to plan strategically and manage risk
Network with chief executives and finance/investment directors – creating the opportunity to learn from and influence strategic decision-makers and support career progression
Attend bigger picture talks that impact on housing development and investment such as net zero, health and social care, building safety, regulation and more
"Met some great people and made some great contacts. Took away some great tips that are easy to introduce. Saw some marvellous, inspirational speakers that really made me think"
"Great innovative ideas around customer experince and improving the overall customer journey."
"Great insight into how others have successfully integrated innovation and disruption into their businesses."
"Not just another housing conference; challenging examples of thinking from outside the housing bubble"
30 November 2023
155 Bishopsgate, London