The spending review gives the chancellor a range of options for improving the supply of affordable housing
This week marks the climax of our campaign to convince politicians and policy-makers to Grant Britain Homes by committing to further capital subsidy for sub-market rented housing throughout the UK.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank our hundreds of backers and everyone who has helped spread the word. Now, Mr Osborne, it is over to you.
Yet, a decision on the future of grant funding is just one facet of next week’s spending review announcement by the chancellor. Landlords are biting their nails to the quick over the English rent formula for the next decade and the decision over whether to raise the debt caps currently imposed on English stock-owning councils.
Whatever happens, social landlords can cling to an unlikely source of succour: the Department of Health. Jon Rouse, the DoH’s new social care supremo, is not one to curry favour. But if he is to be believed, landlords would do well to make an appointment to see their local health representatives sharpish - it might make you feel much better.