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LGBTQ+ housing is a lifeline for vulnerable communities

Amid rising homelessness and hostility toward the LGBTQ+ communities, safe spaces for LGBTQ+ individuals are becoming increasingly essential, writes Steven McIntyre, chief executive of Stonewall Housing

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LGBTQ+ housing is a lifeline for vulnerable communities #UKhousing

Amid rising homelessness and hostility toward the LGBTQ+ communities, safe spaces for LGBTQ+ individuals are becoming increasingly essential, writes Steven McIntyre #UKhousing

The launch of a new housing scheme in Eastbourne marks a significant expansion of Stonewall Housing’s supported accommodation efforts outside of London, following the successful opening of a similar scheme in Brighton last month.

This facility offers five rooms where residents can stay for six to 18 months, receiving close support from a dedicated LGBTQ+ caseworker. The aim is to provide a safe and nurturing environment helping our residents develop essential life skills, embrace their identity and achieve independence.


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The need for specialised housing schemes for LGBTQ+ individuals is urgent. Insecure housing disproportionately affects our communities, with an estimated one in five LGBTQ+ people experiencing homelessness.

Half of our service users are LGBTQ+ people of colour, meaning they often face multiple layers of discrimination, simply because of who they are.

Specialised housing schemes, like those provided by Stonewall Housing, address these unique needs, offering a supportive environment where LGBTQ+ people can receive targeted assistance and community support necessary for rebuilding their lives.

“Discrimination in the housing system heavily impacts our communities, and Stonewall Housing aims to offer a safe space”

Consider *Lisa, who was kicked out of her family home at 17 when her mother discovered she had a girlfriend. Lisa recalls: “I came home to a barrage of verbal abuse. Mum was saying I’d embarrassed her, that I was ’wrong’ in the head, and that someone like me couldn’t be gay.” 

Stonewall Housing stepped in, working with Lisa and social services to ensure her safety. They provided housing advice and advocacy, continuing to support Lisa and her social worker to address any concerns and ensure she lives in safety and security.

Similarly, *Lewis was made homeless at 19 after coming out to his parents. He explains: “My dad said I needed to move out. He said he couldn’t support me doing ‘any of that gay stuff’. I had 24 hours to pack and go.”

After weeks of house hunting and sofa-surfing, Lewis reached out to Stonewall Housing in crisis. A caseworker helped him find suitable private rented accommodation, and a mental health advocate provided much-needed personal support.

“Specialised housing schemes, like those provided by Stonewall Housing, address these unique needs, offering a supportive environment where LGBTQ+ people can receive targeted assistance”

The housing scheme in Eastbourne will provide comprehensive wrap-around support, including health services, financial literacy training, meaningful activities, and a safe LGBTQ+ space. Regular events and outings will help create a supportive network for residents.

Stonewall Housing’s approach involves engaging with residents throughout their tenancy, conducting regular support sessions, addressing challenges and tailoring services to individual needs.

Stonewall Housing’s vision is clear: to ensure every LGBTQ+ person can access safe housing. Discrimination in the housing system heavily impacts our communities, and Stonewall Housing aims to offer a safe space where people can move forward, regain stability and build confidence.

*Names have been changed

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