Learn from out-of-sector leaders on how they have reframed challenges to drive organisational development and provide the optimum environment for team performance.
Discuss the role of the housing sector in driving economic recovery in a post-pandemic world, and hear how peers have overcome practical challenges within their organisations, such as working towards Net Zero targets, digitalisation and tackling difficult conversations head on.
Be inspired by stories of resilience and agility, and how personal growth has enabled fellow leaders to achieve their highest potential and enable others to do the same. Develop a deeper understanding of how authentic leadership is key to cultivating a more diverse and inclusive workplace and how a positive culture must come ‘from the top’.
Meet with other senior leaders from both public and private sector organisations. Share learnings and discuss varying perspectives on the critical aspects of effective leadership.
This summit is aimed towards C-suite, directors, board members and senior leaders working across the housing sector in areas including:
• Registered social landlord / private registered provider
• Build-to-rent / private rented sector provider
• Retirement living / extra-care provider
• Student accommodation provider
• Co-living provider
• General business services
• Real asset management / property services
• Local authority / regional authority / local enterprise partnership
• Government agency
• Finance and funding
• Academic organisation / membership body
• Charity / third sector