An arm’s-length management organisation (ALMO) being closed down by Newcastle City Council has made two senior board appointments.
Your Homes Newcastle (YHN) has announced the appointment of Anne Parker as their new chair, and Bill Tebay as vice-chair.
Ms Parker joined the landlord’s board in October 2019, and was previously vice-chair.
She has spent the past 30 years working in a consulting capacity with a range of public, private and charity organisations, including a number in the social housing sector.
Ms Parker becomes chair at a critical stage for YHN, following confirmation Newcastle City Council will close YHN in December.
Commenting on her appointment, Ms Parker said: “I welcome the opportunity to serve alongside my fellow board members and our staff team to ensure a smooth transition of housing management and services to Newcastle City Council.”
The decision has been described as the “biggest change to council housing in the city for almost two decades”.
The changes will see all services currently delivered by YHN on behalf of the council and the people who deliver them become part of the council.
YHN has managed the council’s homes – currently more than 24,000 – since 2004, making it one of the largest and longest-standing ALMOs in the country.
Rachel Taylor, managing director at YHN, said: “We are delighted to appoint Anne as our new chair and I look forward to working alongside her and Bill as the new vice-chair. “Anne has been a key board member for a number of years and her extensive skills and experience are a great asset to YHN.”
Pam Smith, chief executive at Newcastle City Council, said: “I welcome the appointment of Anne as chair and Bill as vice-chair of the YHN board.
“I believe their knowledge and experience will be invaluable to the successful transfer of housing services from YHN to the council. I look forward to working with them both.”
Both Ms Parker and Mr Tebay have taken up their new roles immediately.
Work to transfer all YHN staff is under way and is expected to be completed by July 2024.
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